Andromeda White
Andromeda White
Type of stone: Granite
Colour: White with black and red spots
Surface: Polished,honed,flamed and brushed
Applicable: Inside and outside. Paving,stairs and facades.
Materials category
Type of stone: Granite
Colour: White with black and red spots
Surface: Polished,honed,flamed and brushed
Applicable: Inside and outside. Paving,stairs and facades.
Type of stone: Granite/Gneis
Colour: Grey/Green/White
Surface: Polished,honed,flamed and brushed
Applicable: Inside and outside. Paving,stairs and facades.
Type of stone: Granite
Colour: Grey/White
Surface: Polished,honed,flamed and brushed
Applicable: Inside and outside. Paving,stairs and facades.
Type of stone: Granite
Colour: Black
Surface: Polished,honed,flamed and brushed
Applicable: Inside and outside. Paving,stairs and facades.
Type of stone: Limestone
Colour: Light Beige
Surface: Honed
Applicable: Inside and outside. Paving,stairs and facades