STONE–UNIVERSE INC – a Norwegian Headquartered, as well as Italian based, is a multinational company in cooperation with a worldwide network of quarries, manufacturers, and suppliers of natural stone. Stone Universe work in close cooperation with world famous architects and their projects.

“PAST TO FUTURE” are the keywords of our philosophy and motto – bringing traditional and historical craft into modern times through the use of new technology as well as modern marketing approaches.
Stone – a natural “Green Material” and, due to this natural strength is a major contributor to the world’s natural energy.
STONE–UNIVERSE INC. associates have more than 20 years experience in the natural stone-sector and has both, the passion and understanding the importance of providing only top quality product, service and is the fundamental motto of  STONE–UNIVERSE INC – “PAST TO FUTURE”.

As a world-wide supplier of natural stone for medium and large projects, STONE–UNIVERSE INC – from beginning to the very end and in cooperation with architects always take part in a successful conclusion of all projects.


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